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This pulmonary trainer is a must-have for everyone! Incredibly simple yet incredibly beneficial. Train your lungs, increase their capacity, and reap maximum benefits for your body. Deep breathing saturates your blood with oxygen, boosting your energy and endurance. Feel the difference in your quality of life and enhance your health with the full power of oxygen you can provide to your body.
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Get more out of your fitness workouts!

Training with the AirFlow Pulmonary Trainer increases lung capacity and improves their ability to absorb more oxygen. Your VO2 max increases, enhancing your capabilities. Endurance is boosted. You gain more efficiency from your fitness sessions. Rapid muscle recovery.

Breathe life to the fullest!

Using a resistance trainer promotes deeper and more efficient breathing. The capacity of your lungs gradually increases, allowing you to take in more oxygen with each breath. By increasing the oxygen level in your blood, you enhance many beneficial processes in the body. Improved concentration and cognitive functions. Mental clarity. Better sleep quality. Reduction in anxiety and fatigue.

Enhance Endurance with AirFlow pulmonary trainer

Enhance the Effectiveness of Your Workouts

AirFlow Pulmonary Trainer.

During physical exertion, the muscles and organs demand more oxygen, causing breathing to quicken and become deeper, while heart rate multiplies. This physiological response underscores the vital role oxygen plays during physical activity. The volume of inhaled oxygen significantly increases—from 8 liters at rest to 100-140 liters. By additionally training your respiratory organs with the AirFlow Pulmonary Trainer, you increase lung capacity, improve their ability to absorb more oxygen, and reduce excess strain on the heart as blood becomes adequately oxygenated. By training your respiratory system, you raise the VO2 max indicator - which increases your capabilities. Consequently, all workouts become more effective, burning more calories, increasing your threshold, and endurance.

Further Details

Backed by Scientific Research

  • "Effects of Training with Breathing Resistance to Improve Endurance Capacity and Respiratory Muscle Function." J Phys Ther Sci. 2013 May.
  • "Respiratory Muscle Training: Theory and Practice" Alison McConnell 2014.

Promotes Rapid Muscle Recovery After Workouts

Oxygen is essential for muscle recovery, especially post-exercise or injury. Muscles consume ATP for energy during exertion, depleting oxygen levels. During recovery, oxygen-rich blood replenishes myoglobin, a muscle protein storing oxygen, aiding in rapid oxygen level restoration. This process is vital for converting consumed nutrients into glucose, refueling the body's glycogen stores necessary for energy during physical activities.

Improvement of concentration and cognitive functions

Interesting fact: the brain's weight averages 2% of the body's weight, yet it consumes 20% of the total oxygen intake. You don't need to delve into the brain's workings to understand that oxygen plays a crucial role in brain function. By training your lungs, you enhance their efficiency, thereby increasing oxygen levels in the blood. Enhanced oxygenation can lead to improved focus, problem-solving abilities, and overall mental clarity.

Enhanced Respiratory Capacity

Utilizing the resistance trainer promotes deeper and more effective breathing patterns. As a result, your lung capacity gradually expands, enabling you to intake more oxygen per breath and extend breath-holding durations. By stretching your diaphragm and intercostal muscles, you can reduce residual volume while increasing the volume of usable air. This development is particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals coping with conditions such as asthma or COPD.

Improving Respiratory Function in COPD and Asthma Patients

Resistance lung training using the simple AirFlow Pulmonary Trainer helps patients with COPD and asthma improve their respiratory function, reduce breathlessness, and increase physical activity levels. These exercises target the strengthening of respiratory muscles, increasing lung capacity, and enhancing their endurance. This also contributes to improving the quality of life and reducing the risk of complications associated with these conditions.

Improvement of the cardiovascular system functioning

Training the respiratory system with resistance has a positive impact on the body. During exercises, our respiratory muscles strengthen, which facilitates breathing and improves oxygen transport in the blood. Increased oxygen flow to organs and tissues promotes optimal functioning of all body systems, including the cardiovascular system.

However, a significant benefit is the reduced need for increased blood circulation, as reduced but oxygen-enriched blood circulation is quite effective. This leads to lower blood pressure, improved blood flow, and reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Improving sleep quality. Reducing anxiety

Increased oxygen saturation resulting from respiratory training contributes to improved sleep quality and reduced anxiety levels. This is another additional pathway, akin to meditative "mindful" deep breathing. Both approaches aim to provide all body systems with the necessary amount of oxygen to optimize processes and achieve a harmonious balance.

Increased Core Muscle Tone

During training with a breathing resistance trainer, core muscles, including abdominal muscles, are actively engaged in breathing against resistance. This leads to intense work and strengthening of these muscles as they perform movements necessary for optimal use of the breathing trainer.

Therefore, using a breathing trainer can be beneficial not only for improving respiratory function but also for increasing core muscle tone, which promotes strengthening and toning of the abdominal muscles.


This newest version of the AirFlow BREATHING TRAINER breathing trainer has been thoroughly tested and endorsed by pulmonologists and otolaryngologists.


After just 2 weeks of usage, our customers reported


Clearer Airways: Our lung trainer reduces lung congestion, promoting easier breathing and improving lung health. Customers in our survey confirmed an overall improvement in their respiratory system.


Increased Endurance: Our customers who engage in physical exercise reported feeling a boost in endurance. They can run significantly farther after training their lungs with the lung trainer.


Enhanced Overall Physical Fitness and Mental Abilities:Users experienced noticeable improvements in physical fitness, a surge in vitality, improving concentration, and better sleep.


Is it safe to use?

The AirFlow Breathing Trainer is safe to use.

The AirFlow Breathing Trainer is designed to train your lungs by creating resistance to improve breathing functions. Similar to playing wind instruments, and by adjusting the resistance level, it is highly effective. The AirFlow Breathing Trainer was developed to make the benefits of improved breathing accessible to everyone.

But wait, isn't breathing through the mouth harmful?

We do not recommend using the AirFlow Breathing Trainer for prolonged periods. Instead, we recommend using this device for only five to 30 minutes per day, which is completely safe. Its action can be compared to playing the saxophone or blowing up balloons. However, unlike previous methods, our device has convenient resistance settings, making it effective, quiet, and convenient.

How to Use the AirFlow Breathing Trainer?

Step 1. Prepare Your Breathing Trainer
Before starting, make sure your sports trainer is clean. Insert the mouthpiece into your mouth, ensuring that the engraved word "top" is near the base, facing upwards. Bite down on the inner sides of the mouthpiece to secure it in place.

Step 2: Master the Breathing Technique
Create resistance at the lightest level. Adjust the resistance level by taking a deep breath in and exhaling until the resistance level is comfortable for you.

  • For beginners, proper execution involves inhaling through the nose (to allow oxygen to enter the body unobstructed) and exhaling through the AirFlow Breathing Trainer with resistance, effectively opening up the alveoli (the structural units of the lungs), developing lung tissue, improving gas exchange in the body, and promoting lung capacity development.
  • Experienced users who can feel and control the oxygen balance in their bodies may inhale and exhale through the AirFlow Breathing Trainer for a better and quicker effect.

Repeat the exercise 10 times to complete one set. Aim for 2-4 sets per day, ideally before meals.

WARNING: Breathing should be challenging but not uncomfortable and should not cause adverse effects. If you experience dizziness, headaches, or shortness of breath, try lowering the resistance level. Always prioritize caution.

How long does it take to see results?

Results may vary for each individual. However, many users report experiencing benefits within a few weeks of regular use. Consistency is key to achieving the best results.


Discontinue use of the AirFlow Breathing Trainer immediately if:

• You experience any physical discomfort.
• You currently have a cold, sinusitis, or respiratory infection; it is recommended to refrain from using the breathing trainer until all symptoms have disappeared.
• To avoid potential spread of infections, it is recommended not to share the breathing trainer with others, including family members.
• Do not use the AirFlow Breathing Trainer while operating a vehicle.

Do not use the Breathing Trainer if you have:

• Experienced spontaneous pneumothorax (lung collapse not related to traumatic injury, such as a rib fracture).
• A history of traumatic lung collapse that has not fully healed.
• A ruptured eardrum that has not fully healed, or any other condition of the eardrum.
• Asthma with frequent severe exacerbations.

If you have any respiratory, cardiac, or blood pressure conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using the AirFlow Breathing Trainer.

Please note that all content and resources provided regarding the AirFlow Breathing Trainer are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional treatment. This information is not intended for the diagnosis or creation of a treatment plan for any health problem or condition affecting you or others without consulting a qualified healthcare provider.